I.- IDENTITY AND ADDRESS OF THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY. The personal data provided by you and that were collected in a lawful manner, are processed by WEISSNER BEARINGS, domiciled at Av. Cuitláhuac 3143, Piso 2, Colonia: Obrero Popular, Azcapotzalco, 02840 Mexico City, Mexico, email: [email protected], in order to provide services that we provide adhering to the provisions of the LFDPPP in relation to the processing and transfer of personal data and in particular, with the provisions of Articles 10 section IV and 37 section VII of the LFPDPPP.

II.- PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. WEISSNER BEARINGS, will treat the personal data of the Holder to comply with the obligations arising from a legal relationship and that are considered analogous for legal purposes, this, based on Article 10 section IV of the LFPDPPP and 15 section II of the RLFPDPPP. Personal data will be treated in accordance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and its Regulations, always observing the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility; likewise, the data will be collected and processed in a lawful manner. We inform you that, in order to register or contact you on this website, you will be asked to provide the following information: full name, name of the company you represent, e-mail address, cell phone number, address.

III.- TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA. Personal data may be transferred to the Tax and/or Administrative Authorities with strict adherence to the confidentiality of the Service and to comply with the obligations arising from the provision of services provided by WEISSNER BEARINGS, and the Holder through a contract, this, based on Article 37 section VII of the LFPDPPP and 15 section II of the RLFPDPPP.

IV.- SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA. WEISSNER BEARINGS does not request sensitive data nor does it share your personal data with third parties other than a tax and/or administrative authority and/or our collaborators; collaborators with whom we have a confidentiality agreement.

V.- CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL DATA. The confidentiality of personal data is guaranteed and they are protected by administrative, technical and physical security measures to prevent damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure.

VI.- PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION PRINCIPLES. WEISSNER BEARINGS, shall ensure compliance with the principles of personal data protection established in the respective Law, and shall adopt the necessary measures for its application. The foregoing shall apply even if this data is processed by a third party at the request of the responsible party. WEISSNER BEARINGS, will take the necessary and sufficient measures to ensure that the privacy notice made known to the Data Subject, is respected at all times by him/her or by third parties with whom he/she has any legal or subordinate relationship.

VII.- EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS OF ACCESS, RECTIFICATION, CANCELLATION AND OPPOSITION. Any Data Subject, or if applicable, his legal representative, may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition provided for in the LFPDPPP. The exercise of any of them is not a prerequisite nor does it prevent the exercise of another. The request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition must contain and be accompanied by the following:

The name of the Holder and address or other means to communicate the response to your request; Documents proving the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Holder;

III. A clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which the exercise of any of the aforementioned rights is sought, and

Any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data. The Data Subject shall at all times have the right to cancel his or her personal data. The cancellation of personal data will result in a blocking period after which the data will be deleted.

WEISSNER BEARINGS, may keep them exclusively for the purposes of the liabilities arising from the processing. The blocking period will be equivalent to the statute of limitations of the actions arising from the legal relationship that founds the treatment in the terms of the applicable law on the subject. Once the data has been cancelled, notice will be given to the Data Subject. The data controller will notify the Data Subject, within a maximum period of twenty days from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, of the decision taken, so that, if appropriate, the same may be made effective within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, so that, if appropriate, the same may be made effective within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the request was received. Days following the date on which the response is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the delivery shall be made upon proof of the identity of the applicant or legal representative, as appropriate.

The aforementioned terms may be extended only once for an equal period, provided that the circumstances of the case so justify.

VIII.- PERSONAL DATA DEPARTMENT. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the processing of your personal data as described in section VII of this notice, through the email: [email protected]

This Privacy Notice may be modified in the future. In any case, any modification to it will be made known to you by posting it on the following web page: privacidad/ has read and accepts the terms contained in this Privacy Notice.
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